Saturday, January 7, 2012

Early Birds

Any of our friends could tell you, very honestly, that Joe and I are not late-nighters. We are almost always the first to leave during a night out at the bars with friends, and I'll admit I take responsibility for most of it. I'm just not a night owl anymore. It's almost impossible to believe that I used to stay up until 3am most nights in college. Then again, that would generally be followed up with sleeping in until noon. THIS is the one great thing about conking out so early at night... waking up earlier than everyone else in the world! OK, maybe not the world, but still. It's a pretty great feeling to wake up and have the whole day ahead of you.

Last night, after wrapping up the work week Joe and I passed out on the couch around 7:30 pm, possibly a new early record for us! SO, at the crack of 6am we woke up refreshed and ready to start our day! He had the great idea to see the sunrise up on the giant rock in the Redwood City hills, so off we went!

7am We made it up to the top! Good Morning SUN!

Jen Givens... QUEEN of the WORLD!!

This is Joe's Thoughtful pose

Not a terrible view of the Bay :)

After our little adventure we stopped at the store and picked up ingredients to make Huevos Rancheros for breakfast...

Breakfast! Flowers compliments of Mr. Wonderful
Perfect Saturday Morning? Check.

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