Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chicken Tortilla Soup

Time for a new recipe! We had a lot of soups last week that were really good, so we thought we'd try this one out. Chicken Tortilla Soup! Not too difficult and as always, it started with a whole lot of chopping.

Chicken, Onion, Cheese, Garlic & Corn (frozen)
Luckily, I kept all of my nails intact tonight. Which is great because after chopping off one of them the other night, I had to file them all down, and I don't have much left to cut off other than actual fingers!

Next on our task list was to add the chips. We splurged and got the really good Casa Sanchez chips, but in order not to completely kill our 2012 New Years Calorie Watch, we decided to actually portion out the servings of chips. Which meant breaking out our brand new digital scale for the first time!!! One of our many new kitchen gadgets that we got from the wedding. Side note: we would have gotten married a long time ago, had we realized what great stuff our house would get filled with! (kidding... kinda)

Fancy Bamboo Digital Food Scale
Once the chips (just under 2 oz. each thank you very much Salter) were portioned out, we cooked up the chopped goodies along with salsa, chicken broth, and seasonings. All of that got poured over the chips with a some cheese and a scoop of light sour cream plopped on top.

Super tasty dinner if I do say so myself. Then again, I doubt I'd blog about a homemade dinner that failed. Mostly because when that happens, we chuck it and grab take out. Sad, but true. Tonight however, we loved the end product, so it looks like we'll be adding this recipe to the "regulars" dinner list.

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