Saturday, December 21, 2013

Oregon Road Trip Part 1

As the end of my maternity leave was approaching, we decided kind of last minute to go on a road trip with Hailey to see Oregon. Neither of us had been before and it was the perfect time to go because I wasn't working, Hailey is a great traveler and was already sleeping through the night (score!), plus Joe had some family leave time left to take, so off we went!

Hailey was ready to ROLL!

On our way up California, we made a pitstop in Redding to have lunch and visit with the Kelloggs. Ashley went to Cal Poly with Joe and we needed to meet the newest addition to their family, little baby Clay! We couldnt resist the photo op!

 After Redding, we continued on our journey to our first stop in Ashland where we stayed for two nights. We found this adorable B&B that had an awesome little cottage for us. It was perfect!

I'm on vacay, don't wake me up mom!
 Sidenote: This was just a pose, she doesn't actually sleep in the bed like that, we brought her pack & play to sleep in ;-)

Cheese shop stop! mmmm

Lithia Park Hike - Beautiful
 Ashland was so beautiful with tons of red and yellow leaves everywhere! And Hailey was an angel, sleeping in her little carseat carrier almost everywhere we went. We had no problem bringing her to restaurants because she just napped while mommy and daddy pigged out!

After Ashland we got back on the road. We made a pitstop in Jacksonville for some much needed coffee.

Apparently Jacksonville has a drive-through-able cemetery and for some odd reason we decided it was a detour we NEEDED to make...

Hmmm yep, it's a cemetery! Kinda creepy so we scooted right on through there and continued on our way.

Anyone with an infant knows they have to eat pretty often, so we weren't in any hurry knowing we'd have to pull over at least every 3 hours to feed her.

I break for adorable hungry babies

One of the coolest stops we made was at the Wild Animal Safari in Winston. It's pretty self-explanatory, but the extra cool part is that you drive yourselves through the park and there are no laws about seat belts and whatnot, so I was able to hold Hailey the whole time. She LOVED being held on the ride and we saw some seriously cool animals.

Excited much? Yup

Pretty sure this bird tried to key our car with his beak. lol

Park Employees feeding the lions!


Hard to see, but these were the biggest bears ever 

Little close for Joe's comfort haha!

lovely camel humps. check em out.

Very cool pitstop and we HIGHLY recommend it to anyone driving through Winston. Once we finished at the park, we got back on the road and kept on truckin' (or in out case CRV-in')

The next stop we made was at a winery, which had the most gorgeous views, so we took a few pictures before we snuck in a visit to the tasting room :)

Everyone in the tasting room loved seeing Hailey and she was on typical cute-bubbly-baby behavior. Once we bought a couple bottles that we liked, we got back to the car and finally made it to Portland!!! (this is the really cool and elusive segway into part 2 of the blog post)

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