Thursday, July 21, 2016

Busy Making Memories

How's life going now that I'm back to working full time? Well, by the status of my blog posts (or lack there of) you can safely assume it's busy. Like really really extremely busy. Sometimes it's a pull-your-hair-out kind of busy but thankfully it's mostly ridiculously-awesome-and-life-is-amazing sort of busy. So let me get a little caught up on the memories we've been busy making. 

Grabbing dinner after Trent's baseball game
She reminds me of Edith from Despicable Me in this photo
 Joe's birthday was celebrated with a really fun night out with friends. There were many babysitters involved to make this happen so I had to document it.

The gang at dinner (pizza of course)

Classiest bar in town... adjacent to the Bail Bonds

Sad that some of our friends left early

But managed to still have a good time ;)

Oh Whitney... 

 That same birthday weekend was the annual San Carlos Hometown Days (including 5K run) so folowing in Dad's footsteps (pun SO intended), Hailey ran the race with Dad. And by ran the race, I mean ran the first 100 feet and then decided she was done. That's OK, we'll get 'em next year kiddo.

How cute are these two?

Getting amped for the race!

Hailey's obviously alraedy had her coffee at this point.

And every runner gets a shirt! or Dress in this case

Love this so much

Pancake Breakfast!

Time for some jumpy house fun!

Pony Rides!

Feeding the goats

Drum practice with Aunt Marianne

Such attitude

Diggin the jams
 Oh and remember that gigantic rainbow parachute from elementary school on rainy days? Yeah, there was one of those there too...

Sheer, Unadulterated  Joy
 I never knew how much enjoyment I could get out of seeing someone else happy. Believe it or not, I think my happiness in taking this picture exceeded hers from being there.
Daddy's Girl

Entering the Floaty Ball Lake with Auntie Marianne
 I think Auntie Marianne should win an award for volunteering to take Hailey on this ride. There's no way I would have survived being in that thing! Much less with a 2-1/2 year old.



Harper Jo - My Mean Muggin' Maniac

WIPED! Stroller naps are the true sign of an amazing day...
 Now for some random photos...

That Hair Tho...

Harper's 4 month check up

Hailey's at the appointment for moral support

I'm going to use this photo as blackmail in her teenage future.

Making Pancakes with Grandpa!

Excellent Stacking

Teaching her the ropes of couch surfing

Note #1 to self, backwards ballet costumes are a little revealing. Note #2 to self, stop letting Daddy dress Hailey

Bumbo Babe
Hailey's been as silly as ever, always making us laugh. Here's a common outing conversation for us to a cafe downtown... such a lady.

More lounging with friends
When you give this girl the hose... Look out! 
 We went on a fun family hike to one of our favorite spots up Edgewood. This was the same place we did out engagement photos so it was fun to see how far we've come.
Family Hike
Engagement Photo
Pretty Awesome
Happy Trails
This hiker is pooped. And probably also did poop.

No idea where she gets it...
Hailey's Face Paint form the St. Pius Festival

Kendall turns FIVE (and Charlie turned 2!) and had a EPIC birthday party. Unfortunately, Hailey was a little too excited and took a spill on her way into the party which made her look like a UFC fighter for the rest of the week.

My little bruiser
Kids & Petting Zoo Galore!
Ouch, Kiddo.
Can't knock the goofy outta this one
 We also had a goodbye celebration for our friends who were moving away. Sad to see you go Macways!!!

Alex & Hailey (And silly Bob photobomb)

Brewer & Hailey
Harper also started eating solids for the first time! Thankfully she's got an impressively patient big sister to show her the ropes...

I swear some of it actually got in her mouth...
 We got to babysit Ethan for a bit while his big brother Nicholas was in a dance recital (cutest thing ever by the way) and we had a large does of "how do parents of three do it?!?!"

Breakfast silliness

Trust me, there are tears behind that smile... kidding ;-)

 Believe it or not we got to go to another double sibling birthday party! This time for Aiden (3) and RIley (1)! SO FUN! Thankfully, Hailey didn't biff it on her way into this one...

Ball Pit Extravaganza!
This video may have been my favorite part of the day...

Riley's ONE!!

Harper wanted in on the action too...
 Due to some unfortunate moving events, the girls had to start a new daycare, which was a rough transition for Mommy but Hailey & Harper seem to be adjusting well and having a really good time with Nona!

 And Harper turned 5 months!!! My chill baby is still just as chill as ever. Cute, content, babbling, eating and sleeping like a pro! After about one week at work she decided to start sleeping through the night and has been sleeping 7:30pm-7am ever since. I probably just jinxed it, but oh well we had a good run! ;-)

 Summer is back which means music in the park is here! YAY!
Apparently we weren't the only ones who've caught on to the music in the park greatness

She's already going for my beer. uh oh...
My brother and Sister In Law Megan got MARRIED but somehow I ended up with no photos of the actual wedding. Probably had something to do with zero pockets in my bridesmaid dress and a couple of kiddos to wrangle SO I'll have to track those down. We did however manage to at least get a family photo with all four of us at the rehearsal dinner...

Cute and easy right? Wrong.
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to take a staged family photo? Neither kid is looking at the camera, yet this was the BEST shot I had. Please note the following photo fails that took place in order to deem this the winner...

Dad talking to Hailey, Mom looking at Harper
Where is my forehead?
Mom's hair in face, Hailey refusing to stand near us
Dad negotiating with Hailey to stand with us, Hailey walking away, Mom - AGAIN with the hair in face
Pretty accurately how I feel about family photos.

SO no we won't have many professional or fancy family photos of us on this blog. Instead, I'll be focusing my efforts on random selfies and candid shots for a less traumatizing way of documenting this crazy, busy, loud, full, blessed life we live.

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