How far along? 26 Weeks
Baby size? Baby weighs almost 2 pounds and measures 14 inches from head to heel.
What's going on with the baby? The network of nerves in his/her ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. They may now be able to hear both my voice and Joe's as we chat with each other. Baby's's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the lung development. And his/her eyes are starting to open.
Total weight gain/loss: One meelliion pounds up.
Maternity clothes? Yes-siree
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Can't get more than a 4 hour stretch in at a time. And if anyone's ever up from 2:30am-3:30am, feel free to message me, those are officially my new office hours for mindless thinking time.
Best moment this week: Big News!!! The Givens clan is MOVING!!! We move on Halloween, which will be pure insanity and I will be a large 29 weeks pregnant. But it's a way bigger place, has an extra bedroom for baby and yard space for Hailey to run her laps. Now if only these boxes would pack themselves...
Awkward moment this week: See Dream question below...
Craziest dream this week: Channing Tatum came over to our house to watch a movie. And he was sitting WAY to close to Joe on the couch.
Miss anything? Having the lung space/capacity to belt out Whitney Houston songs on my commute to work. This baby is really cramping my falsetto.
Movement: Still most activity is when I'm driving. I'm curious if this means we won't be able to use the car as a last resort for getting this baby to sleep... worked like a charm for Hailey, but won't work if all this kid wants to do is pop & lock every time we're cruising.
Food cravings: Not much. Just green olives. And dunkable cookies. And pop tarts. Oh can't forget flaming hot cheetos. Plus peanut butter. Orange Chicken. California Rolls. Veggies & Ranch. Oh man, a cold deli sandwich sounds good too. mmm yeah.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Twisty car rides while I'm passenger. But I just got a new phone, so that would also be because I'm looking up lolcatz on my phone most rides instead of focusing on the road.
Have you started to show yet? "Are you having twins?" count this week... Only once so far!
Gender prediction: Boy
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In for morning, Out by nighttime and a full day of preggo-eating.
Wedding rings on or off? On. But I give it another 3 weeks before this bad boy comes off. Nothing cuter than a giant, moody, swollen pregnant single chick right? Maybe I'll buy some big gawdy fake ring that fits my finger just as a place holder. Think Real Housewives!
Happy or moody most of the time? 50% Happy 50% Moody. 100% Unpredicatable.
Looking forward to: Moving! Well, not the actual act of moving, but the being-moved part.
Dreading: Glucose screening test next week. AKA meet your maker. Time to see if those pregnancy cravings have tipped me over the edge into gestational diabetes land. Maybe I'll pass on the Oreos this week. Or at least limit myself to ONE sleeve at a time. It's all about self control.
Baby G2 Belly - 26 Weeks |
Baby Hailey Belly - 26 Weeks |
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