Wednesday, August 6, 2014

11 Month Old Tiny Dancer

Eleven Months Old... My how times flies!

"Here Mom, put this 11 Month sticker with my headband over there"
These Shrinking Elephant photo shoots are near impossible now that she's more mobile and getting into EVERYthing. So we just went with it...

"Get rid of this silly headband!"
Well, if she's just going to crawl away all the time...
Close Enough!
 Man this girl cracks me up! If she isn't speed crawling, or pulling herself up on stuff, this girl is... DANCING! Yep, cutest thing of all time.

Click here HERE to see what I'm talking about. Thank goodness she has good taste in music.

And now for some highlights from our world lately!

Family time with Grandma Sue!
Family Cruise on the Bay!
Enough hair to faux hawk!
Patrolling the streets of Berekeley in matching shirts
Touring Cal's Campanile with Grandma & Grandpa
I want to remember this moment forever. So. Much. Happy. 
Dinner Twinsies!
We've got a potential jail-breaker!!!
I'm not sure why, but I love this video... Hailey having a pillow fight. with herself.

Costco - Little Girl, BIG Cart. 
 One of our favorite Sunday things to do is picnic at the park next door to us.  I'm not sure who has more fun, us or Hailey...

I married the silliest husband, and world's greatest dad. 

Oh and eating... let's just say she's definitely our daughter. She's got my huge appetite and Joe's inability to stay clean while eating, plus an attitude of her own... A combination that makes for some extra special kodak moments at dinner time.

And just for good measure, some fun summer pool time!

Our baby may not be a baby for much longer, but it sure is fun watching her grow up!


  1. I'm surprised you still keep her in clothes for dinner time :) Kylie has a few shirtless dinners while she's learning to feed herself with utensils.

    1. Lol! She usually does alright with a bib, but yes, we're going to need a LOT more shirtless dinners.
