At about six and a half months old, we decided it was time to let Hailey try out her stroller, minus the infant carrier. It went a little something like this...
Her feet barely make it to the knee part of the stroller LOL but, she absolutely loved the new view and being able to see everything in front of us as we walked. There's a giant park just down the street from our house, so we took her there in her "new ride"
And what's a trip to the park without some good ol' fashion tummy time on dad?
I swear, she normally loves this. |
Not so much? OK, time to bring out the big guns. Nothing works better than airplane time, or as we like to call it, Hailey-copter time.
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Nice face, kid. |
I swear, we don't torture this kid. The camera just catches her at some of the weirdest times, lol. That's OK though, we played on the matt for the rest of the time and she enjoyed that.
Hangin out at the park with Dad |
Before we headed home, we stopped at the park to watch the crazy kids and get a glimpse into Hailey's park-climbing future.
Park fun! |
Man, I really hope she doesn't end up being that kid lying face down in the sand.