Saturday, March 9, 2013

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes...

A BABY!!!! We're having a BABY!!! You heard it right folks,  Joe and I are thrilled to announce we are expecting baby Givens to arrive on August 17th, 2013. Pretty crazy huh? And before you go and start subtracting the numbers to nervously question those hundreds of Pina Coladas I had back in Cabo... no, I was not pregnant in Cabo. So breathe easy.

Joe and I found out in December early one Saturday morning when we started the day with this little bad boy...

Honestly, Christmas morning has NOTHING on this. After peeing on the two sticks in the package, we immediately drove to Rite Aid for about 4 more packs and peed on the rest of them. JUST to be sure. Joe peed on a couple too, so we would have a "control" sample. It was official! I was PREGNANT! (And Joe was not.)

Fast forward to 8 weeks along and we were at the doctor's office seeing our baby for the first time. The image was small, but it was there. Our baby! And with that, the most amazing little train-like thumping of the heartbeat! A strong 166 bpm. We were in love. Thankfully so too, cause that first trimester was not all fun and games. Nausea, exhaustion and a whole lot of other crazy things happen to your body during those first 12/14 weeks. But then the glory of second trimester kicks in and you kind of forget about all that. At least that's how it was for me.

SIde note: Ultrasounds have got the be the coolest invention of mankind. Yeah yeah, the wheel's okay and so's that light bulb thing I guess, but neither of those can show you THIS..

Baby Givens - 12 weeks
There's baby waving Hi! Or as we like to consider it, fist pumping. I guess I should stop watching so much Jersey Shore cause TV really is more impressionable that you realize.

What's that you say? You can't really see Baby G in that primitive 2D photo? Oh OK. Well then maybe this will help you...

Baby Givens - 12.5 Weeks
Now if you can't see our little 3D nacho-cheese-covered baby in this picture, you have no eyes. Or just no soul. Head tucked into chest, arms tucked in and legs curled up. SWOON! Pretty nuts that in only 12 weeks, this little one is already looking so baby-like!

So there it is folks. Our big big big news. (Hopefully not that big come time for delivery, sheesh)

Oh and in case you were hoping to see pictures of me getting fatter... er I mean more pregnant and "glowing", here's what you've missed so far...

Where's Week 15 you ask? Well, there isn't one. I was busy that week, you know... gestating! SO LAY OFF ME! ;-) Oh, yeah did I mention I'm a little more moody these days from the hormones? Lucky Joe.

Well, that's about it. I'll try to keep up with weekly updates so stay tuned!!! This is going to be a fun journey... and that's probably nothing compared to the day Baby G arrives.

Excited? Yep. Scared? You betcha. Blessed beyond belief? Nailed it.