Monday, February 13, 2012

Panko & Sage-Crusted Pork Cutlets

OK so work's been a little hectic lately and Joe will vouch that I've been a wee-bit cranky from the stress. Thankfully the weekend provided some much-needed rest and recuperation, and I'm back on my feet!

Tonight's menu comes from our Clean Eating magazine subscription... Panko & Sage-Crusted Pork Cutlets. But the kicker of this meal is... wait for it... wait for it... I was the main chef! Joe had to work a little later so I got a head-start and started cooking up a storm! I've learned that with just me, and my good friend Pinot Noir, anything is possible!!!

Let's get cookin'!

Looks easy enough... right?

Flour, Eggs, Sage/Panko & Tenderize that Pork! 
Notice my neatly organized assembly line? And the motivating glass of pinot to get me through to the end?

On a side note: Joey got a Jambox for Christmas and now he can stream music into any room of the house with this nifty portable speaker, which means kitchen cooking dance parties!!! But wait, it gets better, he chose the playlist (maybe on my behalf, but MAYBE not!) and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun started playing. He thought I was taking a picture, but instead I got this little gem on video... Turn it up to hear the super manly tunes.

Have I mentioned how much I love my husband? OK OK, back to work...

Pork is fried and the Collard Greens are cooking!
I know what you're thinking... I make this look GOOD! And I do :-)

 I have to admit, I kind of surprised myself and I think I blew Joey away. Little known fact.... I actually know how to cook, but I pretend not to so my hubby will cook for me ;-)  I'd feel bad if I didn't know he does the same exact thing when it comes to folding laundry. We're too alike.

And if that tasty meal wasn't enough for our spoiled tastebuds... Our landlords' daughter, Lauren, stopped by later to announce the commencement of Girl Scout Cookie Season!!! One of our very favorite times of the year!! Obviously to help dear Lauren in her conquest to earn the world's biggest stuffed animal, we had to go a little crazy on the cookie investment.

Dessert is served!!!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get us a couple glasses of milk!

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