Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Hailey May - THREE

Throwin' it back to August - Hailey May turned THREE! That's right, we have a three-nager on our hands now. Lord help us... Somehow we managed to get her potty trained and pacifier-free, two things I would have bet money she'd continue through college. Good thing for all of us that wasn't true. She's going to pre-school full time now and completely blowing our minds with the things she says and thinks. She should be a lawyer for how much negotiating she does... especially at bedtime. Jeeze, kiddo. We're in big trouble when this one and her little sis start colluding against us.

We kept it pretty low key this year and just had some friends over for dinner and dessert. Hailey's only request this year? A minion cake. So of course, there was a Minion cake. And cupcakes. Thanks to pinterest. Not too shabby for mom-made if I do say so myself! 

Birthday Dessert Table!

Twinkie Minion Cupcakes

MMMMM-Minion Cake

3 generations of goofballs

Harper makes this party crown look cool.
 It was great weather, so the kiddos played in the yard. And by played in, I mean savagely attacked.

Multi-Family Trike
 Sitting down for cake time...

Princess Cheese!

Blowing out her candles

She liked it. I guess.


Birthday Girl & her Barbie
We also did a mini birthday celebration with Grandpa & Glammy at Sakura, our local Benihanas.

Glammy & Harper

Birthday Umbrella Time!


Giant Birthday Princess Balloon Tiara

Family Photo

So there you have, it. Our sassy, independent, energetic, funny, loud, stubborn, sweet, chatty, busy and now less-little Hailey is three. Love you little miss Hailey May!