Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Givens Family Staycation Part I

For my final full weekend on maternity leave we wanted to do some kind of vacation to celebrate and squeeze in extra family time before I went back to work. With Hailey, we'd done a road trip to Portland, which we LOVED so we wanted something similarly awesome. After may evenings of brainstorming we were having a hard time coming up with a vacation spot that would be super fun, but also super easy with a toddler that religiously needed her naps. We finally came up with the perfect plan, STAY HOME! Well, kind of... we decided to take 4 days to do fun outings that we just never do. We'd still have our home as base for afternoon naps if needed and this way we got out of all the packing and unknown sleeping arrangements! Extra bonus, Grandma was still around so we could also squeeze in a date night out sans kiddos!
Here's how the first 2 days of our Staycation went down...

Day 1 - Monterey Bay Aquarium

All loaded up in the car!
We ended up doing a decent amount of driving and as long as Harper was fed and clean, she slept the whole time plus Hailey would pass out about 20 minutes in... which left Joe and I a ton of time to just talk. Wow... I never realized how much time we don't spend talking, uninterrupted by work or kids or phones. It was like magical bonus time to catch up and re-connect. I've decided that if we weren't married, I'd totally still date this guy.

Once we pulled up, the stroller got assembled, snacks packed and about a million diapers (in fact 2) were changed, we were finally at the aquarium!

Here fishy fishy fishy! 
Harper loved it, I swear
Waving to the shark
Mommy & Hailey & Fishy
Her sass is almost unbearable
Checking out the slimy stuff!
Hailey was basically obsessed with that shell 

We've now entered... The TODDLER ZONE!
We parked Harper in front of the Penguins for a bit. She didn't cry so we think she loved it.
You could say she's happy as a... 
What a fun day! And that was only just the beginning!

Day 2 - Ferry Boat Ride & Sausalito

We're on a boat!
Mommy, Harper and Caffeine
We couldn't have asked for better weather! Not even one white cap!
Oh Happy Day!

Hailey May - Ferry Boat Interview...

The Felfie (Family Selfie)
Not windy, that's just how Hailey & I style our hair

Once we arrived in Sausalito, we headed straight for ICE CREAM!

Hailey's favorite flavor.. Pink.

Sharing is Caring in this family!
My Heart.

Ferry Boat Sillyness
Parenting WIN! Sleeping stroller child (ren - Harper's asleep up there too)
And the icing on the cake of our Staycation Mid-Point? DATE NIGHT!

Love him to pieces
Also wine. Love wine to pieces too.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mama's Final Days as a SAHM

As my maternity leave comes to a close, I've been squeezing in as much fun as possible before heading back to work. "Fun" is, of course, a relative term in the context of a toddler and a newborn...

Nailing this whole stay at home mom thing...

Girls at play...

 I've been going on a lot of walks with Harper... at the very least this gives me an excuse to wear yoga pants Right?

2 months old and I'm already embarrassing her...
Moms that walk together... talk together

Introducing Harper to Stanford!
Family Hike at the Stanford Dish - Killer Workout
I'va also been trying to stay active by going to some Baby Bootcamps at the local park. It's basically a stroller gang. 

Baby Bootcamp!
And don't think Harper's been a slouch either! I've been putting her to work too...

Tummy Time!
I see you!

Hailey's gotten a taste of the cycling bug... Can't wait to get this girl peddling on a 2-wheeler!

One happy but exhausted family!

 Joe's been an amazing dad, not surprising. Watching him with the girls is pretty wonderful.

No, you can't eat Dad!
It's called Teamwork...
Baking with Dad
Playdates are basically the best thing ever as a mom at home! Lisa made it over with Riley and Aiden, such cuties!

Givens' and Shans Sibling Playdate!
Aiden & Hailey
Speaking of siblings.. Hailey and Harper are quite the force to be reckoned with!

Adorable sibling photo turned Pinterest Fail.
Better Sibling Photo
Tummy Time Twinsies
 Rainy days are no problem here, we just pitch tents for all-day fort time. My Brownie skills really came in handy.

Living Room Fort!

But a typical morning generally looks a little more like this...

 Then I dress up Harper in whatever silly accessory I can reach

Just checking to see if she still hates giant headbands... affirmative.
Thankfully she doesn't seem to mind the tiny hair clips... yet

Despite our best efforts to stay healthy, Hailey ended up getting an ear infection. Fortunately she was a champ at the doctor's office and she perked up real quick after she got a Happy Meal on our way home!

 Hailey's been going through a phase where she's obsessed with Dandelions... or as she calls them.. microphones. She can't walk anywhere outside without finding the biggest one around to pick!

Talk into my MICROPHONE!

 My birthday was pretty awesome this year. We decided to keep it low key and have friends come over to our house for pizza and cake... but I guess the term "low-key" doesn't really apply to our friend-base any more. We managed to wrangle the kids onto the couch for a group shot... crazy to think this is just some of the gang since not everyone was able to make it!

RWCFC - Last Supper
Kids' Table
 Speaking of birthdays... The Wilder boy twins turned ONE and had a pretty epic party...
Happy Birthday Weston & Everett!

Harper managed to sleep through the night for about a week, but then decided she just missed me too much so we are back to being late-night milk buddies. I can't complain too much when this is the 2am face I get to stare at...

Smiles McGee
And now, me and my miniest-me!

Can't get enough of my girls!!!

 Also, let's be clear that Harper will be raised a Giants fan.

Outfit courtesy of Uncle Kev & Aunt Meg. Go Giants!
Grandma B and Harper
Across the street neighbor and friend SLASH sister wife Kendall just had baby girl Rylan 8 weeks after Harper. We've been having a BLAST with the girls!

Hailey & Kaia painting at Color Me Mine 
Lunchtime at Stacks - We packed that booth!
Mommy Kendall Jungle Gym
We've been visiting the Redwood City Library a lot because hey, it's free and my child LOVES it.
"Working" at the Library
Library Crafts

I'm always looking for ways to keep Hailey busy while I do actual chores so I gave her a bowl and some ingredients and let her go to town.

Successfully cooking with both girls!
And here's some hair pictures because I never ever ever want to forget how awesome these are...

Look at that volume!!! 
The Swirl
Harper's Hat Hair

Yeah, Harper's hair has a mind of its own. Wonder where she gets it from...
