Monday, March 14, 2016

Introducing: The Givens Quad Squad!

Harper's first weeks at home and getting used to life with the four of us has been quite the whirlwind! Sleeplessness aside, we've been doing pretty great and Hailey has been thrilled with her promotion to big sister! Sure, I could use a few extra hours weeks of sleep, but I really can't complain with the cuteness overload that's currently going on in our home.

Typical... Everyone's asleep but me... And yes, Hailey is sleeping holding a balloon
Proud Papa
Morning snuggles!
All bundled up after Harper's first bath at home!
Sleep... Harper's actually doing pretty well all things considered. She's up 1-2 times per night to feed, which isn't generally terrible, until she fights falling back to sleep and once she does, her 2 year old sister wakes up with a nightmare and needs to be comforted. That's when zombie mommy kicks in... Fortunately those nights are rare, even though they seem to last FOREVER in the moment.

On the plus side, Harper is eating well! Maybe a little too well.... I'm generally nursing her every 2-3 hours during the day, and every 1-2 hours in the evenings during her nightly bewitching. It's a glamorous life of nursing, burping, spit up and the million diapers in between. Fortunately there are plenty of snuggles too, which somehow makes up for all the gross, exhausting parts ;-) I have nothing but respect for stay at home moms, because honestly this is the hardest work I've ever had to do in my life. Don't get me wrong, I am beyond grateful that I get to have these 3 months off of work to be with Harper and Hailey, but whoa. Keeping those girls fed, clean and generally alive while attempting to get our house relatively clean, launder our spit/poop covered clothes and have food in our kitchen is no joke.

Too cute not to snap a picture of!
I could stare into those baby blues all day
Dreaming of her future modeling career
Venturing out solo with my girls for the first time! Jamba juice for the win! 
Post-bath sass. And Hair fro.
Harper's hair stands STRAIGHT up after a bath, defying gravity and conservatives alike. No, we do not style it that way... something I'm frequently being asked about. I mean, WHO has time to style a newborn's hair?!!? I consider it a successful day if I can get my own teeth brushed.

I DID however attempt to headband that glorious fro... 

Get this dumb thing off my head! 
We'll try again after your next developmental leap. I'm no pediatrician but think one of those major milestones is "First Happy Hair Accessory". Hailey of course skipped that one and went straight to the "Messy Hair Don't Care" phase. I pretty much fail as a mother of girls when it comes to the hair game.
Curls and spikes... and everything nice. That's what my girls are made of.
Fun fact: you can see Harper's heartbeat through the spikes in her hair...

Harper's nursery is getting a little more decorated, but we're in no rush as she's still in a portable crib next to our bed (we did the same with Hailey until she was about 10 weeks old) and I'm in no hurry to be tracking down the hall for for Harper's 3am feedings.
Nursery decorating! It's a start...
One month in and Harper has yet to get into the whole pacifier life... which is foreign territory for us because Hailey has been in love with her pacifiers since 10 days old when that glorious thing stopped her crying. Hailey still religiously uses her paci's to sleep (yes, we're working on that) so it'll be interesting to see if her sister doesn't end up using one.
Look mom! Baby Pacis! 
Just us girls!
 And just to show that we haven't completely forgotten our first born...

We're in trouble if both girls have this much energy...

Fun in the yard!

Still trying out this whole bike thing
My little gazer

Hand me down onesie from Hailey!
I don't think the matching shirts will EVER get old to me
Hailey has BLOWN OUR MINDS with what a great big sister she is. From day one, she's been infatuated with Harper, or as Hailey calls her "Hopter". Hailey loves cooing at her sister, helping mommy grab wipes, burp clothes, or whatever is out of reach as I'm nursing and singing to her when she's crying. I was stoked that Hailey would have a sister, but I had no idea how beautiful it would be to watch her become so adoring and protective so instinctually from the start.

Sister Love
Yep, I'd say life is good, God is great and though we've got our hands full, we've never had so much to be grateful for.

But let's go ahead and end this post like this...