How far along? 24 Weeks
Baby size? Five. Five Dollar. Five Dollar Foot Looooooong. About a foot long and weighs about 1-1/3 pounds
What's going on with the baby? Her see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque and it's got a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed.
Total weight gain/loss: Joe refers to me as "Godzilla" as I stomp my way through our toy-filled living room.
Maternity clothes? Or as I like to call them... clothes. I'm going to wear these elastic dream pants forEVER. My goal is to forget how to zip pants.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: What's that? I wake up to flip over to a more comfortable side about 37 times a night and about 3 of those I get up to pee. At least I'm burning calories?
Best(?) moment this week: Baby is now "viable" which means baby could potentially be delivered!!! But at the same time... it would mean a LOT of time in the NICU... Which is the scariest thing ever to me. This baby is officially "grounded" until the late 30's weeks of pregnancy.
Awkward moment this week: Conversation with stranger at bank:
Man: When are you due?
Me: January
Man: WHOA! That far away?!?!
Me: Yup
Man: Is this your TWELFTH kid?!?!?!
Craziest dream this week: I decided to add this category because my dreams are getting nuts.
1) I was in a circus, dressed as a clown and when our show ended, we all jammed into a tank and went off to fight in the military. It was intense. And hilarious.
Miss anything? Copious amounts of caffeine
Movement: Lots of taps & kicks. Mostly when I'm driving and ESPECIALLY when I'm driving the electric gem cart around campus at work. It's especially bumpy and the bouncing must jolt this baby awake!
Food cravings: Ice cold coke and anything salty.... So this belly is likely 10% baby and 90% bloat
Anything making you queasy or sick? Random days I get nauseous. But I power through and eat a solid bajillion calories anyway.
Have you started to show yet? I've been asked twice in the past week if I'm having twins.
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor signs: Negative.
Belly button in or out? In, but threatening otherwise.
Wedding rings on or off? On. Sometimes a little TOO on. Like, omg this might not ever come off. I give it another month or so, then I'll have to take it off before the jaws of life get recruited.
Happy or moody most of the time? Moody. If you see me on the street, look out I might bite.
Looking forward to: Cooler, Fall weather. Plus the layered clothing and hot drinks that come with it!
Baby G2 Belly - 24 Weeks |
Baby Hailey Belly - 24 Weeks |
I mean, I get why people keep asking if I'm having twins. Baby G2 sure is spreading out in there!