Sorry for the post hiatus, turns out having a baby and working full time is sort of time consuming! But it does come with its perks... here's a bit of what we've been up to lately.
The Elephant is Shrinking! |
6 Months! |
Baby Blues - and no pants lol |
Bath Time - Delicious Ducky! |
Daddy & Hailey |
Fun Petting Milo |
Playdate with Kaia! (1 month old) AKA, Kendall and me grabbing coffee |
Hi! |
Lounging with Dad |
Seriously in love with the bouncer |
Hiking in Style |
Hiking with Dad & Grandpa |
We have officially entered the world of solid foods! I'm still nursing (and pumping - UGH with the pumping!) which is Hailey's main source of calories, but Hailey's been cleared to have some solid food once a day, or in our case evening, to get her used to different tastes and textures. It's been so much fun seeing her experience foods for the first time.
Rice Cereal
mmmmm |
Sweet Potato!
This is the cleanest photo we have from her eating sweet potato |
Pear! Jury's still out on pear at the moment, Hailey started this hilarious spitting thing when eating pears. It's too funny for a picture, so we got video footage. (Airplane sound effects compliments of daddy)
The other milestone that's happened lately is Hailey is no longer sleeping swaddled at night. One day Hailey finally rolled from her back to her stomach and we had to nix the night swaddle (safety reasons) and we were dreading it. This girl LOVES her swaddle and because it helped her sleep through the night we LOVED that swaddle too. So when the time came to say goodbye, we bought a transitional sleep suit that basically makes her feel super cozy at night without the constraint of the swaddle. Plus, it has the added bonus of making our baby girl look like the stay puft marshmallow man.
Sleep Suit |
Unfortunately this whole swaddle-less timing happened to merge with some other sleep regression issues and we were getting up in the middle of the night for her fairly regularly, which made work nearly impossible. Fortunately, we found that some ferberizing and a whole bunch of pacifiers sprinkled in her crib for her to pacify herself in the middle of the night, have helped the situation and we are all sleeping much better (for now anyways)
Our Little Stay Puft Sleeper - Sleeping |
And just for your viewing pleasure, here is Hailey laughing at a stuffed chicken...
We still can't believe that our baby girl is half a year old already! Can't wait for what she has in store for us this next half of a year!!!