And what a month it's been! Between sleep deprivation, spit ups, diaper duty (pun intended), breast feeding and lots lots lots of other learning experiences, Joe and I (and Hailey too I suppose) have survived Hailey's first month of life!
Joe took the first two weeks off of work to stay home and figure out this whole parenthood thing with me. Here's a little glimpse of how it went...
Morning Snuggles - A Man, His Baby and His iPad |
Hailey's First Bath!! |
Reading Books with Daddy |
Tummy Time for Everyone! |
Snuggle Monster |
After two weeks flew by, Joe went back to work full time and I was flying solo at home with little Hailey. A moment I was fearing for a while... who knew something so small and adorable could be so intimidating? Thankfully I got the hang of things (relatively) as soon as Joe went back to work and everyday I learned how to do more and more at the same time as holding the baby and how to time chores and errands around the spontaneous moments she's sleeping. She really is a good baby a lot of the time though so I lucked out on that!
Morning Stroll Around the Park |
As for getting anything done around the house, I have to give a BIG thanks to whoever invented the Moby Wrap. Hard to tell from the picture, but Hailey tucks right into this loooong piece of fabric wrapped around me and she loves it! It's got to be the closest thing to being back in my tummy cause she's so snug tight against me. I love it too :)
Wearing Baby! |
One thing I learned after 9 months of learning about pregnancy and getting ready for the oncoming labor, is that no one ever truly warned/prepared me for the world of breastfeeding. Coming home recovering from labor, and dealing with ridiculous hormonal surges, I was suddenly expected to take on breastfeeding like I'd been doing it all my life and under all the pressure that baby girl's life literaly depended on it. OK, it didn't really because obviously there's formula but I really wanted to give breastfeeding every effort I could. Well, it certainly wasn't second nature, but after a lot of tears and lactation consultants and a very very patient and supportive husband we made it through the hardest first couple weeks and we are doing much better! So a word to any first time pregnant gals out there, it might not be easy but it gets better!!! And there is a ton of help out there to get the hang out it!
This is Hailey's "Milk Drunk" pose |
When Hailey turned 10 days old it was officially our second wedding anniversary! To celebrate, we decided to make the hour long drive to Clos La Chance Winery and show Hailey where we were married. I made my way through about 1/5th of a wine tasting after 9 months of not drinking and I was done. But the tiny sips of wine I did have were glorious!
Second Wedding Anniversary |
And who could forget the fact that Football season has begun! And though both Mommy and Hailey MAY have fallen asleep for just about the entire game, we sure looked good doing it!
Mommy & Hailey Niner Fans! |
Daddy/Daughter Game Time
We're getting a lot of speculation that Hailey looks just like Joe, but I would like to note that this little girl has my fingers! Tiny as they may be, I'm taking claim to those adorable digits :D
Mother/Daughter Hands! |
Have I mentioned how much fun I'm having dressing Hailey up? Which is a good thing, since the blow outs and spit ups can lead to around 2-3 costume changes a day...
Sailor Baby |
On her one month birthday I attempted taking some pictures of our little angel who didn't exactly get the message that she was supposed to look angelic. This was what I ended up with...
So maybe not all smiles and sweetness just yet, but that's OK. I decided this one shot was the winner. It's her One Month birthday and she can cry if she wants to!
It should be noted that when this perfect little angel does decide to melt down, the go-to solutions are as follows:
1) Do squats while holding her. Kills your legs, but she loves it
2) Run the vacuum or hairdryer. Instant no-cry zone.
3) Put her in the stroller and get walking! The bumpier, the better so we often stroll over grass to calm her down
4) Drive! She totally zones out once the car is in motion. But do NOT stop. So this only works at non-rush hour times.
So that's it. One month done and we all survived! It may not have been a smooth ride, but what a journey! Can't wait to see what else this little girl has in store for us!!! We are SO in LOVE!
Our little girl with an attitude! |