Monday, May 28, 2012

Let's Go Giants!

Despite our hermit-like nature on weeknights, Joey and I made it out to a San Francisco Giants game the other Wednesday night to see the game and meet up with our friends John ad Becca (soon to be married!!!!) The clouds came rolling in, so we parked and then bundled up as we heading into the stadium.

View from our seats!
 One of the great parts about AT&T park (and there are many) is that every seat has a good view, even the nose bleeds. We sat in the bleachers just beyond the outfield and heckled with the best of 'em.

More view...
Now, there is a silly stereotype that the bleachers get much more rowdy than the rest of the ballpark seats, which I think is non-sense. I mean, yes the guy sitting behind us "may" have been arrested, handcuffed and taken away by some cops for pouring a beer on one of them, but come on now. I bet the poor guy was just sharing his beverage. Speaking of which....

The most expensive Bud Light you will ever drink
$18 later, we had our beers in hand.... Kinda steep, but when in rome? Drink like the Romans do.

Ballpark Garlic Fries!
 One of, if not THE, main reasons I love going to these games are the garlic fries. Everywhere you walk, you can smell them in their greasy, garlic goodness. I meant to get a fantastic photo of their full glory, but well, I was hungry. After chowing down for about 4 minutes, I managed to squeeze in this shot. Just imagine it with a lot more fries in there....

 Time for some couples pics!!! OK John & Becca, smile for the camera...

 Very nice John, but Becca, I don't think I caught your good side.... let's do that again...

OK seriously? You guys are meant for each other... Now BOTH of you smile!!!!

TADA!!! Adorable couple photo taken by yours truly. I seriously can't wait for these guys to get married.


OK OK, we get one too :) There may have been a few(5) out-takes before we got our decent shot, but that's the great part about blogging: You get to edit out all the bad pictures of yourself :)

The Money Shot
This has got to be one of my favorite group pictures ever. We could have taken a bunch more, but this was the winner no matter what :-) 

All in all, a fantastic night! Did the Giants win? No. But let's be honest, when there's garlic fries and friends involved... everyone's a winner. Except the Giants, they had a truly terrible game.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Bike Ride by the Bay

Today was Mother's Day and what better way to celebrate the woman who gave birth to you than by kicking her off the couch, and strapping her up to a bike for some forced physical exertion?? Okay, maybe not quite that tramatizing, because it was in fact a beautiful day and a ton of fun.

Joey, myself, Kevin, Trent and my mom loaded up the truck with all 4.5 of our bikes and headed out...

Ready Set Go!
Doesn't my mom look intense? She is.

The boys right to left: Kev, Joey & Trentinator leading the pack

Yours Truly. Trying to look as intense as my mom
Wait for it...
And then I choked on a bug that flew in my mouth
A note about the bug that I ate... I must have been coughing for at least 10 minutes. So much for looking intense.

Me & Momma
 Please excuse the fact that I have no makeup on and therefore no eyebrows. I could write an entire post about my invisible blonde eyebrows, but I'll save that little gem for you to look forward to another day.


Trent & Kev

Me & Joey - right before he eats it.

He thinks he is SOOO cool. Little does he know. NO ONE looks cool in a helmet.

Trentceratops. See what I did there? I combined Trent and Triceratops 

This was Trent's helmet hair after the ride. Too awesome to pass up a photo of this bad boy.

Not a bad little Mother's Day! And mom didn't get hurt, so that's a bonus right? In all seriousness though, Joey and I have a lot to be grateful for with amazing moms, stepmom, and new-mother friends who bring a lot of love, care & certainly good food to our lives. Here's to mom's everywhere! Overworked and underpaid, but certainly never forgotten!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Fun!

Cinco de Mayo finally del on a Saturday this year and this was cause for a little extra celebration, so our good friends Cary and Lucas (celebrity name - Carcus) decided to very graciously host a Cinco de Mayo BBQ at there lovely abode.
Lucas with his Beer & Nacho Cheese
Let me tell you a little about Lucas. It's not a Lucas Wilder party unless there is a gallon of processed canned nacho cheese warming in the crock pot and mexican beer ponchos. This tradition actually has nothing to do with Cinco de Mayo, he just really likes nacho cheese and ponchos. And as gross and terrible as that hydrogenated neon yellow cheese is... no one has the will power to resist it. No one.

Man I'm glad our friends can cook
This was just a sliver of the food we finished off. There was also at least 20 lbs of meat that got BBQ'd.

The bonus of the day was that the Kentucky Derby was also going on...

So once the race came on the TV, in true Derby fashion.... out came the hats....

GT and his Son Brewer... Adorable-ness

Fun with Friends

Me, Trinette & Lisa
We also discovered a new favorite drink... Limaritas! It's a margarita made with bud light lime... I highly recommend it!

The weather gods were obviously aware of the day's events an provide us with a gorgeous California day, so everyone ended up lazing out in the backyard. We live hard lives. Obviously....

Backyard Fun
GT and Brewer decided to camp in the backyard that night, so they set up their twelve thousand square foot tent. OK, no that big but it was pretty huge and awesome. It even had 3 compartmentalized rooms in it. The boys also dusted off the cornhole bean bags and set up a few games...

Cornhole Tournament
More Cornhole

Baby Kendall - She makes hats look good
Baby Evan - too cute!
Brewer & Lisa

Life of the Party - Kevin Shanahan
This picture is awesome because 9 times out of 10 when Joe and I hang out at our friends Lisa & Kevin's place, I end up taking a nap on their couch by about 8pm... Hence the irony in this Kodak moment.

It was a fabulous day with fabulous friends!